Carnage Devourer
The Carnage Devourer, a relentless embodiment of chaos and destruction, strides as a colossal juggernaut, a living embodiment of raw carnage. Its thunderous charge is like the herald of doom, leaving a wake of devastation and splintered earth, while its monstrous cleaver tears through both armor and hope. Amidst the chaos, it leaves a trail of roaring flames that consume all in their path, a testament to its voracious appetite for annihilation.
Hit Location
Quadruped (Head)
1 (All body parts)
Combat Skill
Magic Resistance
1 roll on the Valuable table, 1 roll on the Precious table
After level 5:
+D10+2 damage
After level 10:
+D10 Health, +D6 damage, +10 Combat Skill
Rampaging Charge
Roll: 1The Carnage Devourer charges forward in a straight line, trampling everything in its path. Each creature engaged with it in combat must make a Dodge check or receive 2D10 Bludgeoning damage and be knocked Prone.
Flamebrand Cleave(Physical)
Roll: 2The Carnage Devourer brings down its massive cleaver in a sweeping arc, targeting all creatures in the room and dealing D8 Slashing damage. Targets hit by this attack must also pass an Endurance check or receive the Burning condition.
Earthshaker Slam
Roll: 3The Carnage Devourer slams its cleaver into the ground with tremendous force, creating a shockwave of splintered earth. All creatures must make an Acrobatics check or be knocked Prone and takeD8 Bludgeoning damage.
Rage Unleashed
Roll: 4The Carnage Devourer's fury intensifies, granting it Advantage on all attack rolls and increasing its damage by D6 for 2 rounds. During this time, it cannot be Frightened or Charmed.
Annihilation Roar(Magical)
Roll: 5The Carnage Devourer releases a deafening roar that chills the hearts of its foes. All creatures must make a Resolve check or suffer from the Frightened condition for D4 rounds.
Devouring Blaze(Magical)
Roll: 6The Carnage Devourer summons forth a torrent of flames in a cone originating from itself. All creatures must make a Dodge check or take D10 fire damage and be set ablaze, suffering from the Burning condition.