≤ skill and ≠ doubles | ≤ skill and ≠ doubles | Attack Hits if Attacker rolls higher than Defender ; Attack Misses and Defender gets Defensive Move if Attacker rolls less than Defender |
≤ skill and ≠ doubles | > skill and ≠ doubles | Attack Hits |
≤ skill and ≠ doubles | ≤ skill and = doubles | Attack Misses and Defender gets Defensive Move |
≤ skill and ≠ doubles | > skill and = doubles | Attack Upgraded to Critical Hit |
≤ skill and = doubles | ≤ skill and ≠ doubles | Attack Critically Hits |
≤ skill and = doubles | > skill and ≠ doubles | Attack Critically Hits |
≤ skill and = doubles | ≤ skill and = doubles | Attack Critically Hits if Attacker rolls higher than Defender ; Attack Misses and Defender gets Defensive Move if Attacker rolls less than Defender |
≤ skill and = doubles | > skill and = doubles | Attack Critically Hits |
> skill and ≠ doubles | ≤ skill and ≠ doubles | Attack Misses and Defender gets Defensive Move |
> skill and ≠ doubles | > skill and ≠ doubles | Attack Hits if Attacker Skill value is higher than Defender Skill value ; Attack Misses if Attacker Skill value is lower than Defender Skill value |
> skill and ≠ doubles | ≤ skill and = doubles | Attack Misses and Defender gets Defensive Move |
> skill and ≠ doubles | > skill and = doubles | Attack Upgraded to Hit |
> skill and = doubles | ≤ skill and ≠ doubles | Attack Fumbles and Defender gets Defensive Move |
> skill and = doubles | > skill and ≠ doubles | Attack Fumbles |
> skill and = doubles | ≤ skill and = doubles | Attack Fumbles and Defender gets Defensive Move |
> skill and = doubles | > skill and = doubles | Nothing Happens |