The Dreadlord, a nightmarish enforcer of darkness and despair, materializes as a sinister embodiment of malevolence. Its very presence casts a shroud of dread, permeating the air with an aura that drains hope and vitality. With each gesture, it commands an ethereal army of shadow reapers, each one a harbinger of impending doom, while its piercing gaze is as much a weapon as its spectral scythe. Its mastery over the abyss allows it to conjure chilling projectiles that seek out the very souls of its foes. Those who stand against the Dreadlord feel as if they were confronting the abyss itself, suffering a relentless onslaught of shadows and despair that emanate from this otherworldly entity.
Demon, Undead
Hit Location
Humanoid (Head)
1 (All body parts)
Combat Skill
Magic Resistance
1 roll on the Valuable table, 1 roll on the Precious table
After level 5:
+D4 Health, +D6 damage, +10 Combat Skill
After level 10:
+D4 Health, +D6 damage, +10 Combat Skill
Shadow Reapers(Magical)
Roll: 1The Dreadlord summons D4 Shadow Reapers to fight on its behalf. These shadowy minions attack immediately after the Dreadlord's turn, each making a scythe attack (Combat Skill 40, D6 Cold damage) against a creature, disappearing immediately after.
Aura of Despair(Magical)
Roll: 2The Dreadlord radiates an aura of despair for D4 rounds. Creatures that start their turn near the Dreadlord must make a Resolve check or be Frightened for 2 rounds.
Ethereal Scythe(Physical)
Roll: 3The Dreadlord swings its spectral scythe at a target, dealing D10 Slashing damage on a hit. If the target is a PC, they must succeed on an Endurance check or have its maximum Toughness reduced by the amount of damage taken. This reduction lasts until the character finishes a rest.
Shroud of Darkness
Roll: 4The Dreadlord wraps itself in a shroud of darkness, becoming heavily obscured and becoming Resistant to all damage except Holy damage until the start of its next turn.
Weakening Gaze(Magical)
Roll: 5The Dreadlord fixates its gaze upon a creature, consuming the target's physical condition. The target must pass an Endurance check or become infected with the Rot (see page 74).
Abyssal Projectiles(Magical)
Roll: 6The Dreadlord hurls abyssal projectiles at up to three targets. Each target must make a Magic Resistance check, taking D10+2 Necrotic damage on a failed check.