Pyroclasmic Possessor

Pyroclasmic Possessor


This entity of fiery possession and smoldering dominance manifests as a malevolent spirit woven from the very flames of the abyss. Its spectral form is wreathed in incendiary energies that engulf the surroundings, leaving scorched footprints in its wake. With ethereal command, it invades the minds of its victims, compelling them to enact its destructive will, while conjuring molten projectiles that erupt from the very earth. The Pyroclasmic Possessor will force those who face it to wrestle not only with the spirit's malevolent possession but also with the scalding fires that threaten to consume all in a pyroclasmic inferno.














Combat Information

Hit Location

Humanoid (Head)


1 (All body parts)

Combat Skill


Magic Resistance



1 roll on the Valuable table, 1 roll on the Precious table

Ruthlessness (2)
Level Adaptation

After level 5:

+D4 Health, +D6 damage, +10 Combat Skill

After level 10:

+D4 Health, +D6 damage, +10 Combat Skill


Infernal Possession(Magical)

Roll: 1

The Pyroclasmic Possessor targets a creature, who must succeed on a Resolve check or be possessed by the Pyroclasmic Possessor for 2 rounds. While possessed, the creature's actions are controlled by the Pyroclasmic Possessor, who will force the creature to attack its allies, or itself if there aren't any. The creature can repeat the Resolve check at the end of each of its turns, ending the possession on a success.

Eruption of Flame(Magical)

Roll: 2

The Pyroclasmic Possessor conjures a burst of flame that erupts. Creatures in the area must make a Dodge check, taking D10 Fire damage on a failed check, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Molten Projectiles(Magical)

Roll: 3

The Pyroclasmic Possessor hurls molten projectiles at up to three targets. Each target must make a Dodge check or suffer 2D6 Fire damage.

Possessed Blaze

Roll: 4

The Pyroclasmic Possessor envelops itself in a swirling aura of fire for 2 rounds. Creatures that are engaged in combat with it gain the Burning condition.

Burning Urge

Roll: 5

The Pyroclasmic Possessor ushes a fiery command that reverberates across the necropolis. Make a Tension die check.

Inferno's Grasp

Roll: 6

The Pyroclasmic Possessor reaches out with its fiery spectral form to grasp a target. The target must pass an Athletics check or take 2D8 Fire damage and be Entangled by the Pyroclasmic Possessor until the end of its next turn.