Venomcloud Siren
The Venompulse Siren is an eerie enchantress with a domain over the deadliest of toxins known to man. Her haunting presence is marked by billowing clouds of virulent gas that choke the air, and her serpentine movements conjure venomous projectiles that strike with deadly precision. She leaves a trail of creeping vines and thorns in her wake that ensnare the unwary, leaving them to quickly rot away and nurture life in the necropolis.
Demon, Elemental
Hit Location
Serpentoid (Head)
1 (All body parts)
Combat Skill
Magic Resistance
1 roll on the Valuable table, 1 roll on the Precious table
After level 5:
+D10 damage, +1 Armor (all body parts)
After level 10:
+D10 Health, +D6 damage, +10 Combat Skill
Toxic Cloud(Magical)
Roll: 1The Venompulse Siren releases a cloud of toxic gas, forcing all creatures in the room to make an Endurance check or take 2D6 Poison damage.
Serpentine Strike(Physical)
Roll: 2The Venompulse Siren's serpentine body lashes out, targeting a single creature and dealing D10 Piercing damage to them. The target must pass an Endurance check or become Poisoned (2).
Venomous Projectiles(Magical)
Roll: 3The Venompulse Siren conjures venomous projectiles and launches them at up to three targets. Each hit target takes 2D6 Poison damage.
Ensnaring Thorns(Magical)
Roll: 4The Venompulse Siren gestures, causing thorny vines to erupt from the ground. Creatures in the area must make an Athletics check or be restrained by the thorns, becoming Entangled.
Dreadful Siren Song(Magical)
Roll: 5The Venompulse Siren sings a haunting melody that fills the hearts of her enemies with dread. All creatures within the room must make a Resolve check or suffer from the Frightened condition for 2 rounds.
Toxic Infusion(Magical)
Roll: 6The Venompulse Siren empowers herself with toxic magic. Her next successful attack deals an extra 2D6 Poison damage.